Swimming Trust

Eden Swim challenge success


With almost 90 miles behind them the Hudson brothers (Robbie, Calum and Jack) have conquered the River Eden.

The swim took 9 days with the boys each swimming up to 12 miles a day. They clambered down waterfalls, over weirs and rocks to become the first people ever to swim the length of the river.

The swim was in aid of the Swimming Trust and has so far raised just over £2,000. Every penny of the money raised will be put back into swimming through setting up a bursary scheme in Cumbria to help more swimming teachers gain their level 2 qualification.

Both the Swimming Trust and Cumbria ASA will be adding to the bursary scheme that will help more people learn to swim in safe surrounding and reduce the number of people who die each year through drowning.

If you want to make a donation to the scheme please go to the Swim the Eden page at VirginMoneyGiving.


Support our swimming teacher education fund

There is a a desperate need for properly trained swimming teachers who can work in schools, clubs and community groups. Without more qualified swimming teachers  thousands of children in schools up and down the country are not being taught how to swim; endangering lives now and limiting the experiences they might have in later life.

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