Swimming Trust

Swimming Trust helps train more swimming teachers in Tameside


Active Tameside will be training another 20 swimming teachers in 2016 thanks to support from the Swimming Trust.

The programme aims to help get more people swimming, while providing the opportunity for aspiring swimming teachers to qualify as an ASA Level 2 swimming teacher at a fraction of the cost.

The applications for 2016 must be in by the end of January and the courses will start in March. All those people who take advantage of the programme give back to the community in a voluntary capacity after they qualify, by completing 10 hours after their Level 1 course and 20 after Level 2.

Swimming Trust Secretary, Brian DeVal, said; “The Swimming Trust is all about helping to get more people swimming and supporting local communities by providing aquatic training opportunities.

“This project is great because it works in two ways; it provides an opportunity for people to train as ASA qualified swimming teachers in the Tameside area, which in turn mean’s that more people will be able to receive high quality swimming tuition.”

Josh Trow is a teenager from Denton who has recently started on the Active Tameside programme. He said: “I’ve always thought of myself as a swimming teacher and as soon as I saw this opportunity I knew I had to go for it.

“There are lots of reasons why I want to train as a teacher but the responsibility really appeals to me because you’re not just teaching a sport, you’re teaching a survival skill.”

Jasmine Mather is also taking part in the Swimming Teacher Development Programme, she explains the reason why: “When I’m older I know that I want to do something in fitness and I’d like to go on and train to be a lifeguard. This is such a good opportunity because it is funded and it feels like it is a really good first step in that direction.”

“I used to swim for a club, but I decided that I didn’t like competing. I still loved swimming so the teaching really appeals to me. I love it because it’s relaxing and hard work at the same time, it challenges you.”

It’s not just young people that are able to get involved, there are people of all ages and from many backgrounds who are given the chance to increase their skill sets thanks to Active Tameside and the Swimming Trust.

Joanne Mullins is a mum from Stalybridge who was a swimmer from a young age, and has been contemplating where to take her career next. She had previously been a lifeguard at Active Medlock, and is now looking forward to returning in a new role.

She said: “I originally was looking at being a midwife, a nurse or a teacher and I’ve been wondering for ages what to do, but then my mum brought me the local newspaper and I saw the advert for swimming teachers and it just felt right.”

“I have asked to complete my volunteering hours for the course at Medlock and it will so nice to be back there.

“It’s just such a great programme and it is giving me the chance to teach something that I have loved from such a young age.”

To find out more about how to get involved in the programme, please email carolyn.dawe@swimming.org or call 07583 134 895.

If you would like to get the support of the Swimming Trust to fund more swimming teachers in your area, please contact James Male: james.male@swimming.org or telephone 07768 288 014.